What the…!?

by David on May 11, 2011

AS I ALWAYS SAY whether I’m talking with my kids or a client, don’t use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.

I just came across this (very real) description for a company online:

Leveraging synergies to set the underpinning architecture to the overarching policy structure that governs processes to ensure that a global solution is provided to meet the increasingly demanding needs of the system in a world where change is the only constant.

Can you tell from this description what the company does?? Me neither… And it doesn’t help that the company name is an initialism.

I call this corporate gobbledy-gook. It’s a waste of space. They’re trying to sound ‘highbrow’…but this emperor has no cloths.

Say What You Mean

In the over-communicated world that we live in your small business clients and prospects don’t have the time to figure out what you’re trying to say. Say what you mean and get on with it!

As small business owners the temptation is always there to want to make ourselves seem bigger than we are…however trying to sound like an over bloated corporation, speaking ‘corporate speak’ will do more damage to your growing small business than good.

Honesty Sells

As John Jantsch, author of The Referral Engine (Portfolio, 2010) says “…capture what’s real about your product or service. Honesty sells…”. In The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E. B. White (Longman, 2008) which is a must for anyone who writes BTW, Element 14 is to simply, “Avoid fancy words”.

BigShots Bottom Line: Don’t bedazzle your message with big multi-syllabic words or sentence structures that you need a map to navigate, it will only work against you. Keep it simple. Keep it direct. But most of all keep it real.

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