The Truth About Testimonials

by David on June 15, 2011

ANYTHING YOU SAY about yourself or your small business on your website, blog or in any marketing materials you send out, will be taken with a grain of salt. The most powerful message you can convey is a heartfelt client testimonial.

Ask For It

That said, even your happiest client will not be likely to go out of their way to send you an unsolicited testimonial. If you want a testimonial you will have to ask for it.

My client base is small so it’s easy to manage, but if your client base is large conduct a survey with a section for the praise you’re looking for. Try Survey Monkey or Constant Contact’s survey creator to get this done.

In my case after I’ve completed a project for a client I like to send a follow-up email to make sure everything worked out ok. Most times they say something off the cuff that would make a perfect quote. If they do I ask them, “can I quote you on that?” I have never had anyone refuse. If your’s is a business-to-business venture like mine, add a link back to your clients website…with SEO on their mind how could anybody turn that down!

Always write up the quote you’re going to use and have them approve it and then let them know when the quote is ‘live’ on your website.

Social Testimonials

If you feel comfortable with them (and their ability), ask your client for a video testimonial that you can post to your YouTube channel or upload to Facebook. Video adds another level of trust to your marketing.

If you can, get testimonials through third party websites. Get your clients to send praise through Twitter, on Facebook, in one of their business/personal blog posts or make forum comments. Be sure to link back to them from your website.

B!gShots Bottom Line: If you tell the world how amazing you are, few people will believe it. But if someone else raves about you, it’s a whole other ball game.

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