How Easy Are You Making It for Customers to Contact You?

by David on May 10, 2011

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Sylvie May 10, 2011 at 11:29 am

Well technically, you could either write down the phone number or more appropriately take a picture of the ad with your Blackberry or iPhone.

David May 10, 2011 at 11:38 am

Technically, yes in this case you could…if you had a pen and paper…if you had a camera phone. But shouldn’t you want to make it as simple as possible?

If you’re an order based company shouldn’t you have your phone number at the top of each page…or perhaps a big red ‘order here’ button? Some businesses have 3 or 4 phone numbers on the side of their delivery vans…there should be one simple number that is easy to remember and puts you directly in touch with the company to get more info.

You’d be surprised how difficult some small businesses make it for their customers to get in touch….

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